Infrared Saunas: the Benefits of Sweating It Out

If there’s one thing we love, it’s sweat.  Probably because sweating is so good for you.  It’s your body’s natural way to rid itself of toxins and stay healthy.  That’s why were never trying to stop it.  If anything, we’re always looking for new ways to sweat.  And so, enter: infrared saunas.

Obviously, saunas are hardly a “new” concept.  They’ve had their place in the health and wellness world for a while now, with particular popularity in Scandinavian culture (“sauna” is a Finnish word, after all). 

And whether your goal is to ease pain after a tough workout, relieve stress after a long day, or to simply sweat it out, there’s a few things you should know before stepping into the sauna.

sauna benefits of sweating 

All saunas aren’t created equal

Infrared saunas are different than traditional dry saunas and steam saunas.  Dry saunas rely on temperature primarily, clocking in the highest at around 185 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit.  Steam saunas are lower in temperature because they use steam and humidity to create a different kind of heated environment. 

An infrared sauna differs from both of these however, because it uses infrared heaters, which are able to penetrate the body, inducing a more vigorous sweat at a lower temperature.  The type of sweat that helps rid your body of toxins.

Sweating as a form of detox

Because infrared saunas heat from within to make you sweat, detoxification is one of the main benefits. 

Our skin is our largest organ, meaning it’s like a sponge for different toxins.  This is why it has natural methods to rid itself of them.  Sweating being one of them.  Along with that, infrared saunas and sweating together help relieve pain and purify skin.

saunas benefits of sweating

Helpful hints for first timers

Okay, so you’re ready to get your sweat on in the sauna.  But it’s your first time.  Before you step in, just remember to always listen to your body.  If you start feeling clammy, light-headed, or tired, then it’s time to step out.  Like most things, you should work your way up to a sauna session lasting longer than a couple minutes. 

Sweating is a beautiful thing, and it’s a crucial part of staying healthy.  So, if you’re looking for another way to get sweaty, with a bunch of added benefits, then we recommend jumping on the infrared sauna train.  We’re already on board.

Why You Might Be Sweating More in the Winter

We obviously don’t stop sweating when the seasons change.  But, some of us actually sweat more in the winter than we do in the summer.  And we don’t just mean while you’re working hard during your favorite winter workout.

But why is this?  If sweating is our bodies way of regulating body temperature, then it doesn’t make much sense to sweat more, if even at all, in the winter.  While keeping our body temperature in check is one of the many powers sweat has, it’s not its sole purpose by any means.

And so, as experts in the science of sweat, we’re shedding some light on why you might sweat more in the winter.

sweating more in the winter

Why do we sweat?

In order to understand why you might sweat more in the winter, it helps to know why you sweat in general.  There are a couple reasons we sweat.  One being, to regulate body temperature and another, to rid our bodies of toxins.

We also sweat more when our bodies are producing adrenaline-induced hormones.  When you hear the word “adrenaline,” sometimes you think fear, action, or danger.  But these hormones can actually be produced by something as simple as skipping a meal.

Sweating more in the winter

Sweating more in the winter is pretty common.  That’s because the holidays have a way of knocking us out of our regular routine.  This usually means changing our eating habits, missing a workout, and ultimately, taking on more stress. 

We don’t mean to sound like Scrooge. We love the holidays as much as the next.  But, all that hustle and bustle could be the reason you’re feeling a little sweatier this season. 

Sweating more in the winter

So, what do you do?

Relax and don’t sweat the small stuff (pun intended).  Let your body do its thing.  Sweating is our bodies response to our surroundings.  Rather than trying to mask it or thwart it with harsh chemicals, embrace it.  Actually, the more we sweat, the better our body regulates it.

And, make sure to make time for you, too, this holiday season.

Why Your Deodorant Doesn’t Last All Day Anymore

It’s frustrating when your deodorant doesn’t last all day.  Remember when you used to have a “one and done” outlook in regards to applying your traditional deodorant? But now it feels like you can’t leave the house without a backup in your purse, ready to reapply every couple of hours.

It stinks to have to worry about reapplying (pun intended).  And there’s a reason why what used to last 8 hours now hardly lasts 45 minutes.

Reasons Your Deodorant Doesn’t Last All Day

Your body builds up immunity 

Not to deodorant itself, but to the chemicals present in traditional deodorants.  Most deodorants use ingredients like aluminum to stop sweat, or alcohol to mask B.O. 

Over time, your body builds up a tolerance to these chemicals, so the more you use these types of deodorants, the more you have to reapply.  A little counterproductive in our opinion. 

And, what else? These harsh chemicals actually contribute to why your sweat stinks.

deodorant doesn't last all day

You’re applying to a wet arm pit

When your skin is wet, it doesn’t absorb products as easily (including your deodorant).  So, if your applying deodorant fresh out of the shower, the formula may not necessarily stick. 

Not to mention, if you’ve just shaved your arm pits, then you can irritate your skin applying anything to those under arms.  Because razors leave behind tiny nicks and cuts we may not even see, or feel.

You’re applying right before you leave the house

The same as applying deodorant to wet skin doesn’t allow the formula to properly absorb, applying deodorant in the morning, right before we head out for our day could be the reason why it’s not lasting. 

When you apply your deodorant right before you head out of the house, you’re not giving the formula the time it needs to absorb into your underarms, and leave them feeling fresh.  Try applying at night instead.

In order to help make sure your deodorant lasts all day, you have to know why it’s wearing off in the first place.  So hopefully now with some new knowledge, a couple easy tweaks, your underarms can be feeling good, without you feeling worried about reapplication.