How to Turn Your Health Kick into a Habit

January is basically the Monday of months.  We all start strong.  Ready to kick off the new year with a resolution we’re aggressively committed to.  Whether your resolution was to run outside more, workout three times a week, or cut sugar out of your diet, you want to succeed in executing it for more than the first month (hopefully it continues throughout the new year).  So, to help you out, we’ve got a few pointers regarding how to turn your health kick into a habit. 

Start Small

Set a goal, then build on it.  You shouldn’t expect yourself to be at the peak of your fitness prime on day one (by doing so, you’re essentially just setting yourself up for a let down).  Keep your goals realistic, and measurable.  This way, you can continue to grow.  If you’re building on your health and wellness goals, and continuing to move forward, then you’ll be more inspired to keep up the momentum.  Because we’re all motivated by progress.

turn your health kick into a habit

Find What Works for You

Because if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life, right?  The same goes for dieting and exercising.  Luckily, in 2018 there are so many new workout styles and classes.  And, diets are now designed for health and longevity, rather than just a quick fix or weight loss. 

Take the time to explore all of your options.  If you’re not absolutely in love with your workout routine, then switch it up and see if you enjoy something else more.  With a little bit of trial and error, chances are you’ll find something that’s awesome to do and awesome for you.  Not to mention, it’s always an added bonus getting to introduce your friends to fun new ways to sweat.

turn your health kick into a habit

Don’t Beat Yourself Up 

It’s important to remember that every fitness regimen falters sometimes.  The key to longevity is moderation.  Understand that in order to maintain a habit, sometimes you’ll hit the gym hot and heavy (hot and sweaty), and sometimes you’ll just want to walk outside for 15 minutes, or enjoy some much needed “me time” lounging on the couch after work instead.

Everything you do is equally important to your health and wellbeing.  And don’t beat yourself up for wanting to take it easy every once in a while.  You can always get back to the gym the next day, week, or even month.  And, in giving yourself the little breaks you need, you’ll ultimately maintain a healthy lifestyle, rather than burning yourself out.

When creating any habit, arguably one of the best sayings to recall is that Rome wasn’t built overnight.  So, start small, have fun, and give yourself a break every once in a while.  Cheers to a happy and healthy 2018.

How to Revamp Your Skincare Lineup for 2018

2017 was all about self-care.  An ideology that’s smoothly rolling into 2018 as well (and rightfully so).  When we think about being our healthiest selves, we usually all consider diet and exercise.  But, what we put on our body is just as important as what we put in our body.

Our skin is our largest organ.  That’s why we’ve taken the vow to show it some love with a skincare regimen that only helps it and doesn’t hurt it.  Translation: no harsh chemicals.

Kicking harsh chemicals to the curb is actually easier than you think.  And, to give you a helping hand, we put together a guide on how to revamp your skincare lineup in the new year.

revamp your skincare

Revamp Your Skincare Lineup

Moisturizer is your skin’s best friend

Particularly if you live in a dryer climate, chances are that your skin’s not getting enough moisture.  Moisturizer is crucial in helping our skin maintain balance.  It helps against problems like dryness and oiliness.  Not to mention, assists in fighting off blemishes and acne flare ups.

It’s a common misconception that you shouldn’t moisturize oily skin.  Applying a daily moisturizer actually helps keep your skin’s oil levels in check.  That being said, different types of moisturizers work best for different types of skin.  If you typically struggle with dry skin, look for a cream based one.  And for oily skin, try to find a water based moisturizer that you like.

But, not all moisturizers are created equal.  It’s important to be aware of just what exactly is going into each of your products.

revamp your skincare

No more alcohols, aluminums, or parabens 

While the right moisturizer helps our skin maintain balance, harsh chemicals throw this off.  That’s why when you’re picking a new product, there are three things you should always steer clear of: alcohols, aluminums, and parabens.

Alcohols usually hide away in fragranced products, meant to mask smells.  But what alcohol actually does to your skin is severely dries it out.  If you’re looking for a fragranced product that won’t sacrifice your skin’s integrity, choose one that utilizes plant extracts and essential oils instead.

Like alcohols that hide away in our skin products, aluminum salts are a common ingredient that take their toll on our skin, too.  You’ll mostly see this ingredient in deodorants and antiperspirants, used as an agent to clog your pores in an effort to stop sweat.  But clogged pores hardly sound healthy.  And, the more you apply products containing aluminum salts to your skin, the less effective they become.

Your body’s not too keen on harsh chemicals, so in order to defend against them, skin builds up a tolerance.  Meaning all that harm you’re doing to your skin is ultimately in vein, since your body’s working to counteract those chemicals anyways. 

This year, rather than having a New Year’s Resolution, we’ve simply set an intention.  And we intend to have smarter skincare, in order to treat our body right, inside and out.

Different Types of Deodorants: Cream vs. Stick

When it comes to deodorant, one type has been reigning supreme for a little too long in our opinion.  The stick.  It’s safe to say that most people use some sort of stick deodorant.  But why?  Maybe they’re intimidated to try a new type that they might not know how to use.  Or, they don’t know that different types even exist. 

Which is why, as your friend with the inside scoop on everything deodorant, we’re here to shed some light on the situation.  By helping you figure out what kind of deodorants are out there, how to use one, and how to choose one.

different types of deodorant

Different Types of Deodorant

A deodorant stick isn’t the only way to stop your pits from stinking.  There are also sprays, powders, wipes, and our personal favorite, creams. 

You might’ve been shying away from these different types because you don’t know exactly how to use them.  And, while sprays, powders, and wipes are a little more straightforward, using cream deodorant is actually easier than you think, too.

Using a Cream Deodorant

Deodorant cream is a frosting-like paste, effective in fighting off underarm funk.  You can use a little spatula or scoop, or just your fingers, to apply a small amount to those pits.  Massage the cream into your underarms entirely, and you’re ready to go. 

Cream vs. Stick

While cream and stick deodorant fundamentally may not seem very different, the type of protection they provide is generally where the two vary.

different types of deodorant

Cream deodorants tend to be just that: a deodorant.  Where stick deodorants typically fall under the category of antiperspirant instead.  Antiperspirants use chemicals like aluminum salts to clog your pores and stop you from sweating all together.  However, sweat itself actually doesn’t stink.  And, sweating’s one of our body’s ways of ridding itself of toxins.  So, no sweat’s not good. 

Cream deodorant’s work to fight any bad B.O. caused by sweat and bacteria on our skin interacting.  And, most cream deodorants tend to stay on the natural side of things, giving your skin a break from harsh chemicals and alcohols that can really take their toll. 

Another added bonus of cream deodorants: they tend to last longer.  You only use a small amount when applying, and unlike deodorant sticks, you don’t need to reapply.  Most cream deodorants last all day, and our Underarm Deodorant Cream actually lasts up to 7 with just one application.

So, don’t stick to what you know (pun intended).  It’s a new year, how about a new deodorant.