
Your Ultimate Guide to Transitioning from Summer to Fall

Fall is in full swing, and while we’re sad to say goodbye to summer, the transition into fall is always exciting.  But, like all change, it can take a little time to adapt, mentally and physically.  We like to give our mind and body the helping hand it needs in acclimating to this seasonal transition.

That’s why we’ve put together your ultimate summer-to-fall guide.  To help you continue being healthy and happy through every season. 

transitioning summer to fall

Resetting your state of mind

Fall is really the time when we get back into the swing of our daily routine.  We return to school, or finally turn off our Out-of-Office message that seemed to be switched on all summer.  And while this does signify summer fun coming to an end, settling into fall is an opportunity to realign our focus.

It’s important to take this time to check in with yourself.  There is only a brief period between the hustle and bustle of summer, and the impending craziness that is: The Holidays.  October is the perfect little lull in between to revisit some of our goals for the year.  With the end of the year nearing, fall is a great time to consider where you were last year, what you’ve been working towards this year, where you are currently, and what you still need to do.

Resetting your state of mind can help your newly heightened focus catapult you into next year and really make the most of your time. 

Staying on top of your health

The return of fall unfortunately also means the return of flu season.  The change in the weather can somewhat shock our bodies, making them more susceptible to sickness.  So, it’s important we give our immune system that extra boost it needs.  Because even though we’re excited to start spending more time being cozy and staying in, we don’t want it to be because we’re feeling under the weather.

Just remember that Vitamin C’s one of your body’s best friends.  And, to wash your hands more often than you think you have to.

Transitioning summer to fall

Supercharging your skincare routine 

The changing weather shakes up our health, and affects our skin.  Colder months tend to be harder on our skin, which our skincare regimen should reflect.  Fall’s the season to lather up.  It’s time to bust out those heavier moisturizers you’ve stowed away all summer.  And, exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.

It’s easy to forget how important it is to take care of our skin once it changes from summer to fall.  Probably because we start to bundle up, wearing sweaters and boots.  So, we think that because our skin isn’t necessarily exposed to the elements as often, it’s fine.  But, skincare matters year-round.  And in order to keep the fun, fall weather from drying out our skin, we have to stay on top of our moisturizing game.

The transition from summer to fall is an exceptionally fun one.  And we hope this guide helps it be an exceptionally smooth one, as well.