How-To: Prepare Your Feet For Spring

We become a lot more aware of the overall look and feel of our feet as warmer months begin to approach.  It might not even be until we are busting out the sandals that we realize how dry and cracked our feet have really gotten.  When it comes to feet, we usually put them at the bottom of our list of priorities.  Probably because they are kind of “out of sight, out of mind” in a sense…but, our feet are actually the workhorses of our bodies.  They are literally holding us up every day, so they really deserve some love year-round.  

Keep Them Clean

This probably sounds obvious, but the cleanliness of our feet can often be overlooked.  It is important to not only cleanse our feet of dirt, but also of dead and dry skin.  Take some extra time in the shower to really scrub them.  The dead and dry skin can build up easily on your feet and become harder to tackle if you don’t tend to them regularly.  And plus, no one wants dirty feet. 

Moisturise with Foot Cream Regularly

During the winter, our skin tends to dry out even more because of the colder weather.  Yes, even though your feet are covered up, the weather does still affect them.  So just as you moisturize your face and body, moisturize your feet regularly as well. 

Our feet require a heavier moisturizer than our face and body, so finding a foot cream that works for you is important.  It also helps to pick a time that works best for you to apply your foot cream…maybe it’s right before bed or when you wake up in the morning before you put your socks on.  You don’t have to apply foot cream daily, but by doing so three-four times a week, you’ll instantly notice softer, healthier feet.    

Give Yourself a Mini Pedicure

Make the time to give yourself a mini pedicure once a month.  This doesn’t have to be some extravagant thing—however, if you want it to be, we are all for a little self-pampering, too—but you can keep it nice and simple by buying yourself a foot pumice and giving yourself a footbath.  The foot pumice will work harder on your feet to scrape away all that dead and dry skin that may have built up that you weren’t able to get off simply by scrubbing in the shower.  After your foot pumice leaves you with already noticeable softer skin, apply your foot cream as well, so the new skin on your feet is moisturized.  And, there, mini pedicure finished.

Choose Your Footwear Wisely

This part’s especially fun: New Shoes!  Just kidding, but having sturdy footwear is an important part to having healthy and happy feet.  Obviously, we’re not saying you need a new pair of boots every single winter, but it is important to be aware of when your shoes are just a little too broken in or have completely just run their course.  

It’s also important to make sure that both your shoes and socks are clean, dry, comfortable and fit right.  If your shoes and socks are constantly rubbing or squeezing your feet in an uncomfortable way all day, then, one, that’s honestly just unenjoyable for you, and two, it’s really not good for your skin. 

Lastly, Make it a Habit

If you do most of the things we’ve suggested, regularly, then they’ll become habit.  When it comes down to it, cleaning and moisturizing your feet really does not take long at all.  Not only will your soft and happy feet thank you, but they’ll look so good once that sun finally comes out.