
Aluminum in Antiperspirant: What You Need to Know

Is your can of antiperspirant plotting against you? We can’t say for sure, but probably not. That said, antiperspirant has come under scrutiny lately for what it does to your body or what it keeps your body from doing. We’re here to give our two cents on the topic while giving you a little background info.

Why Do Brands Put Aluminum in Antiperspirants?

Aluminum salts are used in antiperspirants because they block sweat from escaping the pores. Less escaping moisture means that the surface it’s applied to remains dry.

Effects on Aluminum on the Body

If you’re wondering where all the fuss about aluminum comes from, there were a handful of studies which explored connections between aluminum usage and things like breast cancer, kidney damage, and hormonal imbalances. Some claimed harmful effects; others didn’t find a correlation. Unfortunately, these studies don’t provide enough concrete evidence to vilify aluminum salts, but there’s still good reason to avoid them. These chemicals are designed to block pores, and while your pores are all clogged up, you’re missing the benefits of sweating.

Sweating Is Good

Sweat is one of the ways our body rids itself of excess minerals and, potentially, toxins. It also plays a role in regulating body temperature and, when regulated properly, can strengthen the immune system. Stopping all that goodness for a little extra dryness? No thanks. 

How to Avoid Aluminum in Your Products

Many brands are transparent about their aluminum use. You can identify it by names like aluminum zirconium, aluminum chloride, or potassium aluminum sulfate. However, some brands hide them under seemingly innocent names like “natural mineral salts.”

We recommend going with brands you trust. The front of the labels will often boast that they are aluminum-free. (Seems like a good place to start.) We offer a handful of products that will keep you dry without compromising your health. Products like our 72 Hour Roll-On and Underarm Deodorant Cream are not only aluminum-free but also free of alcohol and parabens.

What’s most important is understanding what’s out there, what it does, and how you can avoid it should you choose to.