Paper or Plastic?

Every visit to the grocery store ends with same well-known phrase: “Paper or plastic?” Getting plastic bags may seem like the easiest choice, due to their flexibility and convenient handles. However, plastic bags cause lots of damage, long after holding your bread and eggs. Paper bags are also destructive to our world. So, which should you opt for?Read more

Compost Your Way To A Better Garden and Environment

A compost pile, or compost heap as they are sometimes referred to, is a pile where organic garden and kitchen wastes are disposed, and bacteria and organisms break down the material to form compost. Not only is a compost pile a convenient and ideal location for you to dump your potato and carrot peels, egg shells, wilted lettuce or any other fruits and vegetables left in the fridge. But they also exist to create a superior orchestra of nutrients and organic material that becomes an all-natural, inexpensive fertilizer.Read more