
How to Keep your Skin Clean in Summer

It’s not easy to keep your face feeling fresh in the summer. Between humidity and sweat, there’s no shortage of unwanted moisture. The heat doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel on your skincare routine. We’re here to help you save face with some useful tips and tricks for keeping your skin clean in hotter months.

A Diet That’s Good for Skin

Diet should be a key component in your skincare routine year round, but there are foods that can be especially helpful in summer. The good news is that most skin-friendly foods are delicious!

Foods for Healthy Skin

Avocados - The fats in avocados can provide the skin with nutrients it needs to stay soft and hydrated. Some research even suggests that avocados can help prevent sun damage. If skin’s your top priority, feel free to rid yourself of the guilt when ordering avocado toast.

Sweet potatoes - Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins, including vitamin A, which provides the skin with carotene that acts as a natural sunblock. Bump your vitamin A levels by switching from regular to sweet potatoes at all your summer events.

Dark chocolate - The antioxidants in dark chocolate have the potential to decrease wrinkles, protect from UV radiation, and improve hydration. Don’t feel bad adding some extra dark chocolate to your summer plans.

Exfoliating in the Summer

At this point, you’ve heard from friends, family, and dermatologists, about the importance of exfoliation. Dead cells and dirt collect on your skin throughout days of outdoor activity, especially on camping trips, playing sports or doing anything where you’re likely to pick up an extra layer of dirt. This debris can clogs pores,  causing acne and blemishes. While it’s just as important in summer months as it is in winter, be sure to explore the right exfoliation schedule for you, as overdoing it could lead to sensitive, more easily sunburned skin.

Improve Skin Through Hydration

In the humidity, incorporating more liquids may seem counterintuitive, but, hydration is essential for the skin! Skin hydration should happen on two levels: Applying a naturally-derived moisturizer regularly so that your skin doesn’t dry out and maintaining adequate water intake. Doing so will keep that epidermis of your looking radiant while allowing your body to flush toxins which might otherwise tarnish the skin.

Summer Products to Improve Skin

Some products work hand in hand with preventative measures, (like the ones mentioned above). A few high-quality products sprinkled into your routine will go a long way. Watch out for products with nasty ingredients, since those could have the opposite desired effect on your skin, drying it out and leaving it tarnished.

To keep clean in the summertime, we recommend Lavilin Body Wash. Made from natural sources like Brazil Nut Oil, Clove Extract, and probiotic agents, this soothing wash removes odors while moisturizes the skin.

Body Wash

If you need a little added moisture, our Jojoba Gel Cream, with utilizes the powerful properties of organic jojoba seed oil, which out of all of nature’s compounds is the most similar to human skin oil. That means it’s able to be naturally (and efficiently) absorbed into the skin—helping to alleviate dryness, redness, and irritation on the spot, as well as prevent dry skin in the future.

Keeping skin clean and healthy in the summer doesn’t have to be a chore. Eat dark chocolate and avocado, drink a little more water, exfoliate, and wash your skin with the gentle products it deserves. Your skin will be looking as smooth and healthy as it feels.